
MIDAS(君主识别和授权系统)是ODU的登录和密码管理系统. 使用您的MIDAS ID和密码登录大多数大学申请和服务, 比如email, Canvas, myODU, 狮子座在线, Banner and many other important resources.

Video: An Introduction to the MIDAS System

When you create your MIDAS ID and password, you'll also set up 双因素身份验证 创建一个安全配置文件,如果你忘记了密码,可以在线重置密码. Once your MIDAS account is created, 您应该只需要登录到MIDAS更改您的密码或安全配置文件.


重要的保安通知: 如果我们 detect that your MIDAS account has been compromised, we will attempt to contact you by phone and email. 如果我们 reach you, we will advise you to reset your MIDAS password. 如果我们 不能 reach you right away, we will administratively reset your MIDAS account. You'll need to either contact the ITS服务台 or use the MIDAS password reset (instructions below).

使用您的MIDAS ID和密码在君主密钥登录页面登录ODU服务. You can also request additional online services and accounts at 迈达斯.sxjiuxin.com. 了解更多.

  1. 验证
    迈达斯.sxjiuxin.com 然后点击“需要帐户”?" Enter your personal information. (当你被bet8体育娱乐入口录取时,你的申请表就会寄给你. If you do not know or 不能 find your UIN, you can use the "Forgot UIN?链接到MIDAS主页.)
  2. 可接受的使用政策
    Read the entire 可接受的使用政策 (AUP). 阅读AUP后,选择“接受”单选按钮,然后点击“提交”。.
  3. 培训
    在帐户设置期间,您需要参加一个或多个培训课程. 课程的数量取决于你在大学里的角色(教师、职员或学生)。. Please read carefully, click the "next" button to go to the next page. On the last page, click the "Accept" button.
  4. 安全性配置文件
    安全配置文件是必要的,以保护您的隐私和网络的安全,如果你应该忘记你的密码. The setup consists of 2 steps:

    • Step 1: Choose a security token method. 您必须选择其中至少一种,但您也可以选择多种或所有方法. 点击“继续”按钮.
    • Step 2: Choose a verification method. You have 2 choices: a text-based method or a color-based method. Move your mouse pointer over the choice names to see examples. 点击“继续”按钮 to advance to the next step. Depending on what you chose in step 2, 安全性配置文件的最后一步是完成“问答”配置文件或“颜色网格模式”配置文件.
  5. 双因素身份验证
    按照屏幕上的提示将Duo Mobile下载到您的移动设备并设置双因素身份验证. (如果你的智能手机的电话号码在美国境外, see the "国际" guide below.)
  6. 密码
    The final step in your account setup is setting your password. The password must follow certain rules to be valid to ensure security. The rules are listed on the right-hand side of your screen. 您将看到绿色的复选标记,表示是否满足所有密码规则. Click the "Change 密码" button.
  7. 完成
    您的帐户现在已经设置好了. 在页面的右侧将出现一条消息,显示您的新MIDAS ID. Please make sure to write down your MIDAS ID!

Why does my password have to be so complex?

你的迈达斯身份证 gives you access to a wide range of web services , 包括-MyODU门户, email, and dozens of other ODU services.


  • Reduction in the number of accounts/passwords users must remember
  • Greater security of personal and private information
  • Easier access to ODU resources via systems integration

相应地,MIDAS的密码规则和复杂度必须满足许多系统的要求. ODU's password practices (MIDAS password length, 复杂性, 和旋转频率)都融合在一起,坚持行业标准,并满足身份保证认证的要求.

ODU takes the security and privacy of our student's information seriously; in order to have a less complex password that is still secure, 密码的长度必须增加,或者更改的频率必须缩短. 因此, 我们努力平衡这些方面,最终提供一个安全而用户友好的计算环境.


MIDAS passwords must be changed once every six months.

您将在您的MIDAS密码设置到期前几周开始收到email通知. You'll also see reminders on all Monarch-Key Web Login pages.

To change your MIDAS password:

  1. 登录 大富翁的主页 with your MIDAS ID and current password.
  2. 在主屏幕上,点击顶部的“我的账户”,然后选择“账户设置”.'
  3. 在左侧的“身份验证”部分,选择“更改MIDAS密码”.'
  4. 输入您的新密码(注意:您的新密码必须符合更改密码页面右侧列出的所有规则.)选择新密码并重新输入验证后, all of the check marks on the right will be green. 点击“提交”按钮.
  5. 退出MIDAS,然后用新密码重新登录,以确保一切正常.

You will be able to access most services like myODU, email, 画布和校园工作站与您的新密码几乎立即. 有些服务可能需要稍长的时间(最多30分钟)才能接收到密码更改. 有几点需要注意:

  • 与您的ODU帐户一起使用的每个设备都需要独立更新(桌面), 移动PC, 手机/平板电脑, 等.)
  • Any service that has the password stored will need to be updated. This includes browsers with saved passwords, 无线网络, Office products (like Outlook, 团队, OneDrive), 变焦, VPN, 等.
  • For a 移动PC/desktop on the wired network or on the ODU VPN, we recommend logging out of your computer after changing your password. 当你重新登录时, most applications will re-authenticate, prompting for the new password right away. 否则, 每个应用程序都会在签到时要求你输入新密码——在几分钟或几小时内, 取决于应用程序. The experience varies slightly on the ODU wired network/VPN vs. wireless/off campus networks, and on Windows vs. Mac设备.

Guidance for a MIDAS 密码 change:

密码仍然是信息安全的第一道防线,也是ODU安全计划中的关键组成部分. 由于您的MIDAS ID和密码可以访问如此多的资源,包括关键或敏感数据,因此我们遵循美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)关于长度的建议, 复杂性, and rotation period for our passwords.

这看起来很复杂, 但是有几件事可能会让你更容易修改MIDAS密码:

  • 为了尽量减少干扰,请在工作日结束时更改密码. 密码s can take up to 30 minutes to sync across all ODU services, and each service can ask for the new password as it syncs. You'll have fewer interruptions if you wait until the end of the day.
  • 更改密码后,退出并重新启动主ODU工作站. 当你重新登录时 (the next morning, if you followed the advice above), make sure to use your new password. 如果不重新启动,大多数ODU应用程序将要求您输入新密码.

After you change your password, you can expect each ODU service on each device you use to ask you to re-authenticate. 准备好输入您的新密码(并更新任何保存的密码):

  • ODU services in standalone apps or clients (Office 365, 变焦, VPN, 等.)
  • Browser-based ODU services (Outlook Web Access, Canvas, 等.)
  • ODU 无线网络 (eduroam, MonarchODU)


If you do not remember your MIDAS password, please follow these steps:

  1. 参观 大富翁的主页.
  2. Click the link 'Forgot password?,在“登录”按钮下.
  3. 输入您的MIDAS ID和win
  4. 输入所需信息:
    • If you have set up a MIDAS PIN, please enter it.
    • If you have selected a Token Method, click 'Request New Token'. Once you receive your token, enter it into the 'Enter Token Value' box.
  5. 点击“提交.'
  6. Answer the 安全性配置文件 Questions or Color Grid.
  7. Upon successfully answering the questions, create a new password.

如果您无法使用您的安全配置文件成功创建新密码, ITS will reset your MIDAS password. You will need to follow one of the following procedures:

  • Come in person to the ITS服务台, present a picture ID and request to have your MIDAS password reset.
  • 如果你不在这个区域, 您必须将图片ID的副本传真(或作为附件通过email发送)到帮助台. 请包括以下内容:
    • 您的全名
    • 你的印尼
    • 你的出生日期
    • 电话号码


If the online lost/forgotten password service 不能 be used, the ITS服务台 will need to validate your identity with a picture ID. 这可确保我们不会将您的个人信息提供给您以外的任何人.

忘记你的MIDAS ID了?

If you do not remember your MIDAS ID, please follow these steps:

  1. 参观 大富翁的主页.
  2. Click the link 'Forgot MIDAS ID?,在“登录”按钮下.
  3. Enter your UIN, First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth and Gender.
  4. 你的迈达斯身份证 should be shown on the screen.